Meet The Team

Clemist Jackson

Clemist Jackson


Clemist Jackson is an insurance business development executive-turned entrepreneur, who gained multiple top-in-country recognition in his field of expertise at Allstate Insurance and Liberty Mutual Insurance companies. He developed two successful business revenue generating models as a sales director for Allstate (Allstate Partnership Program and Allstate Alliance Program) and established the Liberty Mutual Exclusive Agency Management office agency business growth concept.

Before creating the Fender2Fender patented mobile technology, Clemist enjoyed a successful career serving in key property and casualty roles, as well as in financial services. These experiences inspired him to create the Fender2Fender mission and the mobile app. He stated, “There always seems to be a win-lose between a victim and an insurance company after an automobile accident… We can do this another way!”. This led him to coin and trademark the phrase, “When Accidents Go Wrong, We Help You Get It Right”.

Clemist loves DIY home projects, writes poetry, hits the gym often, enjoys travel and volunteers feeding the homeless. He provides free guidance to would-be entrepreneurs, and those seeking careers in the insurance industry. He holds an undergraduate and graduate degree from The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

You can reach Clemist at [email protected].

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